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  • iCEstick Evaluation Kit


    iCEstick Evaluation Kit

    A low-cost platform for evaluation and development with the iCE40 FPGA. Plus directly into a USB port for power and data communication.
    iCEstick Evaluation Kit
  • IceZero



    Low-cost general purpose platform for the RaspberryPi with 4 MBit SRAM and four 2 x 6 PMOD interfaces for 32 3.3V LVCMOS IOs. Powered/configured over the 2 x 20 Raspberry Pi header.
  • icoBoard



    Pin-compatible with Raspberry Pi 2 - B. Contains an 8K LUT, 100 MHz Lattice FPGA, 8 MBit of SRAM. Programmable in Verilog by a complete open source FPGA toolchain.
  • Infrared Remote Tx/Rx Reference Designs

    Reference Design

    Infrared Remote Tx/Rx Reference Designs

    Implements an interface to IR receive and/or IR transmit. This includes PWM (pulse width modulation) timing and protocol conversion to an SPI /I2C bus
    Infrared Remote Tx/Rx Reference Designs
  • RGB LED Reference Design

    Reference Design

    RGB LED Reference Design

    A complete RGB LED design that controls the color, blinking rate, brightness and breathing of an RGB LED.
    RGB LED Reference Design
  • Alhambra II board by Alhambra


    Alhambra II board by Alhambra

    Community-sourced board for iCE40HX1K by Alhambra Bits. Designed for expansion to a complete hardware ecosystem.
    Alhambra II board by Alhambra
  • iCE40HX1K FPGA Development Board


    iCE40HX1K FPGA Development Board

    A low-cost development board that interfaces to many expansion boards adding functionality like ADC/DAC, IrDA, VGA and more.
    iCE40HX1K FPGA Development Board
  • iCE40HX8K FPGA Development Board


    iCE40HX8K FPGA Development Board

    A low-cost development board that interfaces to many expansion boards adding functionality like ADC/DAC, IrDA, VGA and more.
    iCE40HX8K FPGA Development Board
  • TinyFPGA Bx


    TinyFPGA Bx

    A tiny low-cost development board for the iCE40LP8K FPGA, supported by a full open-source tool chain.
    TinyFPGA Bx
  • TL448K6D-VR System in Package for SteamVR Tracking


    TL448K6D-VR System in Package for SteamVR Tracking

    Contains all of the necessary processing power to create a SteamVR Tracked device in a 10mm by 16.32mm footprint.
    TL448K6D-VR System in Package for SteamVR Tracking
  • BlackIce-II by myStorm

    Reference Design

    BlackIce-II by myStorm

    This board has been prototyped, and is available as a Reference Design on GitHub and other open-source community forums. It has an on-board Arm Cortex M4 microcontroller and features PMOD, Arduino and RPi expansion headers.
    BlackIce-II by myStorm
  • Sensor Interfacing and Preprocessing

    Reference Design

    Sensor Interfacing and Preprocessing

    Aggregates data from multiple I2C interfaces and performs preprocessing like buffering, timestamping and complex event triggering based on data analysis.
    Sensor Interfacing and Preprocessing
  • iCE40-HX8K Breakout Board


    iCE40-HX8K Breakout Board

    Simple, low-cost board with generous IO access.
    iCE40-HX8K Breakout Board
  • CANmodule-III

    IP Core


    Compliant to the international CAN standard defined in ISO 11898-1, interfaces to an AMBA 2 Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB)
  • CANmodule-IIx

    IP Core


    Fully functional CAN controller module that contains advanced message filtering, and receive and transmit buffers.
  • iniCAN

    IP Core


    Implements the low-level CAN protocol handling - complete data link layer, framer, transmit and receive control, error handling, error reporting and bit sync.
  • SPI Master Controller

    Reference Design

    SPI Master Controller

    Implements a SPI Master Controller in VHDL and uses an iCE40™ ultra low density FPGA and can be targeted to other iCE40 family members.
    SPI Master Controller
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