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  • Advanced CNN Accelerator IP

    IP Core

    Advanced CNN Accelerator IP

    Calculates full layers of Neural Network including convolution layer, pooling layer, batch normalization layer, and fully connected layer.
    Advanced CNN Accelerator IP
  • CNN Plus Accelerator IP Core

    IP Core

    CNN Plus Accelerator IP Core

    CNN Plus IP is a flexible accelerator IP that simplifies implementation of Ultra-Low power AI by leveraging capabilities of Lattice FPGAs.
    CNN Plus Accelerator IP Core
  • CNN Co-Processor Accelerator IP

    IP Core

    CNN Co-Processor Accelerator IP

    A CNN co-processor accelerator engine for use with low power Lattice FPGAs. The engine can be used with a RISC-V processor to create an SOC and implement TF Lite-based acceleration applications that leverage the parallel compute and distributed resource capabilities of Lattice FPGAs.
    CNN Co-Processor Accelerator IP
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