Lattice Blog

[Blog] From Flash to MRAM: Meeting the Demands of Modern FPGA Configuration

[Blog] From Flash to MRAM: Meeting the Demands of Modern FPGA Configuration

Posted 01/17/2025 by Jim Tavacoli, Senior Director, Segment Marketing

In the fast-evolving world of technology, emerging Avionics, critical infrastructure, and automotive applications are redefining the expectations from Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Traditionally, FPGAs relied heavily on flash memory to store their configuration bitstreams. This approach was suitable for many mainstream FPGA configuration applications; however, recent advancements and demands for higher reliability and performance have fueled the necessity for a more diversified range o...

Radiant Blog - Enhancing FPGA Reliability in Space Applications

Enhancing FPGA Reliability in Space Applications

Posted 03/25/2024 by Guest blog: Adam Taylor, CEng FIET Embedded Systems Consultant

The introduction of Lattice Nexus™ and Lattice Avant™ platforms marked a significant advancement in the realm of Aerospace technology. These devices offer developers a powerful combination of low power dissipation and robust performance against Single Event Effects (SEEs), common in the harsh space environment. Understanding the Challenge of SEEs Space applications demand unparalleled reliability, as even a minor error can lead to catastrophic failures. The Certus-NX, CertusPro-NX, a...