
[Blog] Lattice Avant™-X: Securing the Digital Frontier


Posted 07/30/2024 by Steve McNeil, Security Consultant, Lattice Semiconductor

现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)在当今的众多技术中发挥着重要作用。从航空航天和国防到消费电子产品,再到关键基础设施和汽车行业,FPGA在我们生活中不断普及。与此同时对FPGA器件的威胁也在不断增长。想要开发在FPGA上运行(固件)的IP需要花费大量资源,受这些FPGA保护的技术也是如此。这使得FPGA成为IP盗窃或破坏的潜在目标。 防止IP盗窃、客户数据泄露和系统整体完整性所需的安全功能已经不可或缺。它们是许多FPGA应用的基础,在某些地区有相应法律要求(例如,欧盟的GDPR、美国的HIPAA、英国的2018年数据保护法等)。轻松实现这种安全性是莱迪思的基本目标,其屡获殊荣的中端FPGA平台莱迪思Avant™和莱迪思Avant-X™ FPGA器件就是最好证明。 莱迪思Avant-X FPGA集成了许多先进的安全功能,旨在保护IP和器件免受未经授权的访问和攻击,同时又不在SWaP-C(尺寸、重量、功耗和成本)上做出妥协。以下是Avant-X FPGA中实现的一些关键安全特性: 物理不可克隆功能(PUF):Avant-X FPGA通常利用 PUF 技术为每个...

Lattice Avant Answering the Aerospace and Defense Need for SWaP-C

Lattice Avant Answering the Aerospace and Defense Need for SWaP-C

Posted 01/04/2023 by Luke Miller, Vice President Aerospace and Defense Business Development

As we begin 2023, I realized that this year is my 27th Year in semiconductors with a focus on Aerospace and Defense (A&D). One of my proudest accomplishments during this time is the impacts I’ve had on the end states for military forces, which continue to this day in my work at Lattice. Did you know that 72 percent of all A&D platforms (Radar, Electronic Warfare, military communications software defined radio, etc.) use FPGAs and FPGAs represent approximately 35 percent of the U.S....

How FPGAs help advance and protect your A&D design

How FPGAs help advance and protect your A&D design

Posted 02/03/2022 by Edward Peterson

Security is an increasingly important consideration for design engineers across all technology applications as the frequency and sophistication of cyber and physical attacks increases. In the aerospace and defense industry, robust hardware security is mission critical to field success and for protecting sensitive information. Security is a top priority at Lattice and is part of what makes Lattice the FPGA industry leader. Today our security offerings span hardware, software, solution stacks, and...

Redefining the FPGA for Aerospace and Defense by Solving SWaP-C Challenges

Redefining the FPGA for Aerospace and Defense by Solving SWaP-C Challenges

Posted 08/24/2021 by Luke Miller

Learn how FPGAs can help address size, weight, power, and cost challenges for aerospace and defense applications.

Lattice Partners with Defense Customers to Ensure Mission Critical Longevity

Lattice Partners with Defense Customers to Ensure Mission Critical Longevity

Posted 06/15/2021 by Luke Miller, Vice President, Aerospace & Defense Business Development

Lattice is committed to helping our customers in the defense market to ensure they have the support they need to keep legacy defense systems available after components are discontinued.