The Lattice Semiconductor Memory Controller IP Core offers turnkey solutions for both Lattice Avant and Nexus devices, consisting of a controller, DDR PHY, and associated clocking and training logic for interfacing with DDR4 and LPDDR4 SDRAM. Implemented in System Verilog HDL, the IP Core uses Lattice Radiant software integrated with either the Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) (for Nexus) and Synplify Pro® synthesis tools and (for Nexus and Avant]). This Memory Controller simplifies the connection of Lattice Avant devices with external DDR4 and LPDDR4 memory, and similarly, facilitates the interfacing of Lattice CertusPro-NX and Lattice MachXO5T-NX devices with external LPDDR4 memory for user applications.
Resource Utilization details are available in the IP Core User Guides for Avant and Nexus families.