Posted 08/18/2022 by Matt Dobrodziej, Vice President of Segment Marketing and Business Development, Lattice Semiconductor
Every year, PC manufacturers introduce an array of new laptops packed with the latest technologies and features, all designed to deliver great user experiences. Historically, these came in the form of form factor innovations, screen enhancements, and user interface improvements. However, the growing popularity of AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) has opened a new world of possibilities and PC manufacturers and ecosystem giants are all looking for ways to add these advance ne...
The importance of AI and ML, the rise of edge computing, and the need for flexible programming in AI.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the biggest buzzwords in the technology industry today and is often thought of in broad terms to describe connected “smart” technology. However, when you think about all the different features enabled by AI and the outcomes AI solutions are designed to deliver, it becomes clear that the AI landscape and AI development is incredibly complex. The ...
The global smart toy market is projected to grow to nearly $70 billion by 2026, per Transparency Market Research. Smart toys take a variety of shapes, like electronic pets, robots, smart train kits, and more. When you hear the word toy, you likely automatically think these are for kids, however some are developed specifically targeting older generations. The current senior toy marketplace contains products that range in utility from providing companionship to increasing cognitive skills to facil...
One of the most exciting topics in the tech world is Artificial Intelligence, or AI. From its science-fiction like promise of intelligent machines to its more practical implementations as additional smarts in connected devices, AI is one of the most powerful technologies now available.
But, as the well-known Peter Parker principle dictates, “With great power comes great responsibility” and so it is with AI. Companies building AI-enabled products and services, in particular, have star...
The AI/ML revolution continues to gain traction across multiple applications, particularly Edge applications. Edge devices like security cameras, robots, industrial equipment, Client PCs, and even toys can now support AI/ML capabilities that provide users with new capabilities and experiences. According to industry analyst firm ABI Research, the Edge AI chipset market “has experienced strong growth in the past and is expected to continue to grow to US$71 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of 31%...
The Lattice sensAI solution stack for always-on Edge AI applications is available on the Lattice CrossLink-NX family of FPGAs to enable fast and easy development of low power, smart visions systems for the industrial, automotive, and IoT markets.
Linley プロセッサカンファレンス (秋季) で、ラティスは次世代スマートデバイスを超低消費電力で実現する、sensAI™ ソリューションの最新の情報を紹介しました。
最新のコンシューマ機器向けニュースをご確認ください : sensAIのアップデートでさらに高性能で低消費電力のエッジ・アプリケーションを実現、無料ウェブセミナーを開催 - はじめよう!超低消費電力エッジAI 、CrossLink FPGAでエンベデッドビジョンシステムの開発を簡素化
ラティスより、産業機器・車載機器関連の最新のニュースをお届けします:sensAI、最新アップデートが 10 倍のパフォーマンスを提供 / スマートアプリケーションにAIを組み込む / CrossLink FPGAでエンベデッドビジョンシステム開発を簡単に / sensAIがMicrosoft Hackathon 2019をサポート
ラティスセミコンダクターは、2019年に開催された Microsoft社内の大規模なハッカソンイベントの一部、Microsoft Sensors Hack のスポンサーになりました。Microsoft のメンバーはスマートビジョンシステム開発用の Lattice sensAI ソリューションを活用して AI およびセンサーの活用方法を開発しました。