TSALL is a programmable IO which can be used to Tristate all IOs when asserted. To use TSALL in your design, instantiate the TSALL component as shown below:
component TSALL
port( TSALL: in STD_ULOGIC );
end component;
-- Attributes for Synplify
attribute syn_black_box: boolean ;
attribute syn_black_box of TSALL: component is true;
attribute syn_noprune: boolean ;
attribute syn_noprune of TSALL: component is true;
-- Attributes for Precision RTL
attribute BLACK_BOX : boolean;
attribute BLACK_BOX of TSALL: component is true;
attribute DONT_TOUCH : boolean;
attribute DONT_TOUCH of TSALL_INST: label is true;
TSALL_INST: TSALL port map (TSALL=><global tristate sig>);