Helion GmbH

Tailor-Made Development of Your Camera Module

Helion Logo

Headquarters: Duisburg, Germany

IP Core Partner of Lattice - Helion is an IP Core partner of Lattice for many years now. Helion has teamed up with Lattice to deliver software reference designs for several development kits, like HDR60, Cypress Industrial Camera Reference Design or the latest Embedded Vision Development Kit.

Proven Experience in Image Processing - Helion's experience in image processing enables designers of embedded vision, video surveillance, automotive and medical imaging systems to use pre-engineered high quality ISP IP cores on their camera systems since more than 15 years.

Offers Consulting Services - Helion offers consulting services for image sensors, raw image data processing, all hardware related functions and design and implementation of advanced IP-Cores for real-time image pre- and post-processing in FPGA devices

  • Located in Duisburg, Germany, supporting customers worldwide.
  • Team of experienced full-time engineers and video experts with an own camera measurements lab.
  • Experts in Camera technology, image sensor setup and tuning, image data capture, sensor bridging, display controller, low latency Camera ISP, multi-channel DDR frame buffer, MIPI, UVC-USB, HDMI, SDI, DisplayPort, GigE Vision, H264 and much more.
  • Reference Designs with Helion IP available.
  • Email them at sales@HelionVision.com for an assessment of your needs.

Helion GmbH Solutions:

Helion IONOS画像シグナル処理IPポートフォリオ

IP Core

Helion IONOS画像シグナル処理IPポートフォリオ

Comprehensive, high-quality, highly-configurable ISP solution from Helion Vision, from basic to advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI) color pipelines.
Helion IONOS画像シグナル処理IPポートフォリオ