1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Reference Design

Duplicate one MIPI RX channel to one or two MIPI TX channels

Many new applications such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and digital cameras require expansion of the number of camera or display interface on application processors (AP). This often occurs when there is either not enough ports or some ports are used for other purposes on the AP.

CertusPro™-NX – The 1 to N MIPI® CSI-2/DSI Duplicator reference design for CertusPro™-NX devices can be configured for one to four duplicated outputs. Radiant's MIPI D-PHY Soft IPs can be configured as MIPI transmitter or receiver utilizing the general DDR modules.

CrossLink™-NX – The 1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator reference design for CrossLink™-NX devices has one to four-channel outputs for duplicator. It has two MIPI Hardened macro IPs, which can be used as MIPI TX or RX module (D-PHY Hardened IP). The TX and RX modules can also be realized by a soft macro utilizing general DDR modules (D-PHY Soft IP).

CrossLink™ – The 1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator reference design for CrossLink™ devices has one or two-channel outputs for duplicator. It has two MIPI hard macro IPs, which can be used as MIPI TX or RX module (D-PHY Hard IP). The RX module can also be realized by a soft macro utilizing general DDR modules (D-PHY Soft IP).


  • RX channel can have one, two, or four lanes
  • Number of TX lanes can be one, two, or four. This is independent from the number of RX lanes
  • CrossLink and CrossLinkPlus:
    • Maximum RX/TX bandwidth is 1.5 Gbps per lane using D-PHY Hard IP and maximum RX bandwidth is 1.2 Gbps per lane using D-PHY Soft IP
    • MIPI D-PHY TX is not supported by Soft D-PHY IP and Hard D-PHY IP must be used on TX channel(s)
  • CrossLink-NX:
    • Maximum RX/TX bandwidth is 2.5 Gbps per lane using D-PHY Hardened IP and 1.5 Gbps per lane using D-PHY Soft IP
  • CertusPro-NX:
    • Maximum RX/TX bandwidth is 1.5 Gbps per lane using D-PHY Soft IP

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Block Diagram

1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Block Diagram for CrossLink and CrossLinkPlus

1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Block Diagram for CrossLink-NX and CertusPro-NX

Resource Utlization

Configurations Targeting LFCPNX
Configuration LUT
CSI2 RX channel with four-lane, Gear 8 to Four CSI2 TX channels with four lanes, Gear 8 2623/79872 2138/80769 1/208 52/299
CSI2 RX channel with one-lane, Gear 8 to Two CSI2 TX channels with one-lane, Gear 8 1142/79872 862/80769 1/208 13/299
DSI RX channel with four lanes, Gear 8 to Three DSI TX channels with four lanes, Gear 8 2199/79872 1826/80769 1/208 41/299
DSI RX channel with one-lane, Gear 8 to Three DSI TX channels with one lane, Gear 8 1289/79872 1003/80769 1/208 17/299
Configurations Targeting LIFCL
Configuration LUT
CSI2 RX channel with 1-lane, Gear 8 to Four CSI2 TX channels with 4-lanes, Gear 8 6 5 1 26
CSI2 RX channel with 1-lane, Gear 16 to Four CSI2 TX channels with 1-lane, Gear 8 5 3 1 14
DSI RX channel with 4-lanes, Gear 8 to Three DSI TX channels with 4-lanes, Gear 8 5 5 1 22
DSI RX channel with 1-lane, Gear 8 to Two DSI TX channels with 2-lanes, Gear 8 4 3 1 6
Configurations Targeting LIFMD/LIFMDF
Configuration LUT
RX channel with 4-lane, Gear 8 to two TX channels with 2-lane, Gear 16 32 23 8 23
RX channel with 4-lane, Gear 8 to one TX channel with 4-lane, Gear 8 16 14 2 21
RX channel with 1-lane, TX Gear 8 to one TX channel with 1-lane, Gear 8 14 11 2 9


Technical Resources
Select All
CrossLink-NX 1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Reference Design - Source Code
7/4/2023 ZIP 252.8 MB
CertusPro-NX 1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Reference Design - Source Code
9/17/2021 ZIP 18.6 MB
CrossLink 1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Reference Design - User Guide
FPGA-RD-02194 1.1 7/4/2023 PDF 2.1 MB
CrossLink 1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Reference Design - Source Code
7/4/2023 ZIP 14.1 MB
CertusPro-NX 1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Reference Design - User Guide
FPGA-RD-02240 1.1 10/27/2022 PDF 1.5 MB
CrossLink-NX 1 to N MIPI CSI-2/DSI Duplicator Reference Design - User Guide
FPGA-RD-02215 1.1 7/4/2023 PDF 1.9 MB

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