RGB to MIPI DSI Display Interface Bridge

Bridging Traditional Processors with Mobile Display Interfaces

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Important: For new designs, Lattice recommends using the following modular IP blocks to implement this function:

Most mobile displays use industry standard interfaces such as MIPI DSI for interface connectivity. Traditional processors sometimes have a MIPI DPI or CMOS interface that cannot be directly connected to a mobile display without a bridge. Many new applications want to leverage mobile innovations, while utilizing processors with specific requirements and capabilities.

Lattice CrossLink™ is a programmable video interface bridging device capable of converting processors with CMOS interfaces at up to 300 MHz to MIPI DSI at up to 6 Gbps. This bridge is available as free IP in Lattice Diamond® for allowing easy configuration and setup.


  • Supports MIPI DSI and MIPI CSI-2 outputs up to 6 Gbp: 1, 2 or 4 data lanes
  • Supports parallel MIPI DPI, CMOS, RAW and RGB interfaces at up to 300 MHz
  • Supports CSI-2 compatible video formats (RAW, RGB, and YUV):
    • 8-bit YUV420/422
    • 10-bit YUV420/422
    • 8-bit RAW8
    • 10-bit RAW10
    • 12-bit RAW12
    • 24-bit RGB888
  • Supports DSI compatible video formats (RGB):
    • 18-bit RGB666
    • 24-bit RGB888
  • Supports multiple pixels per clock mode
    • 10, 8, 6, 4, and 1 for RAW8/10/12
    • 4, 2, and 1 for RGB888/666
  • Provides a DCS (Display Command Set) controller to program the display, ROM data used only for DSI in HS or LPDT mode – ROM is programmable by user
  • Configurable 2-bit VC (Virtual Channel), 6-bit DT (Data Type), and 16-bit WC (Word Count)
  • Supports Non-burst Mode with Sync Events for Transmission Packet Sequence
  • Compliance with MIPI D-PHY Specification v1.1
  • Compliance with DSI and CSI-2 Specification v1.1

Block Diagram

CMOS to MIPI CSI-2 Interface Bridge Block Diagram


Quick Reference
Information Resources
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CMOS to MIPI D-PHY Interface Bridge Soft IP User Guide
FPGA-IPUG-02007 1.4 5/10/2019 PDF 2.4 MB
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New Use Cases Highlight CrossLinks Broad Applicability
WP0009 1.1 11/10/2017 PDF 756.2 KB

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