QDR SRAM Memory Controller

LatticeReferenceDesign-LogoQDR SRAM is a new memory technology defined by a number of leading memory venders for high-performance and high-bandwidth communication applications. QDR is a synchronous pipelined burst SRAM with two separate unidirectional data buses dedicated for read and write operations running at double data rate. This reference design utilizes the ORCA Series 4 library elements IODDR and HIODDR to create 178MHz double data rate read/write access to the QDR memory and targets for ORCA 4 FPGA and FPSC devices.

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QDR Memory Controller

Performance and Size

Family Tested Devices* PLL Usage PFU Usage(include pipeline module) Registers Usage Max. Freq.
ORCA4 FPSC ORSPI4-2FE1036C 2 75 out of 2024 643(includes 360 registers for pipeline module) 178 MHz
LatticeEC LFEC20E-4F672C 2 75 out of 2464 613(includes 360 registers for pipeline module) 192 MHz
LatticeXP LFX10C-4f388C 2 71 out of 1216 612 (includes 360 registers for pipeline module) 178 MHz

* May work in other devices as well.

Note: The performance and design sizes shown above are estimates only. The actual results may vary depending upon the chosen parameters, timing constraints, and device implementation. See the design's documentation for details. All coding and design work was done on a PC platform unless noted otherwise.


Technical Resources
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QDR Memory Controller - Documentation
RD1019 5/3/2005 ZIP 2.6 MB
QDR Memory Controller - Source Code
RD1019 5/3/2005 ZIP 2.6 MB

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