Important: For new designs, Lattice recommends using the following modular IP blocks to implement this function:
The following Reference Design provides an integration example using these modular IP blocks
Most off-the-shelf Application Processors use industry standard interfaces such as MIPI CSI-2. However, several high-end image sensors traditionally focused on industrial and A/V markets have proprietary interfaces such as SubLVDS. The mobile industry accelerated many advances in application processor technology while additionally driving down cost and power. Many new applications want to leverage mobile innovations. At the same time the camera remains an extremely important feature in smartphones and tablets today.
Lattice CrossLink is a programmable video interface bridging device capable of converting Sony image sensors from SubLVDS to MIPI CSI-2 at up to 6 Gbps allowing for full resolution and bandwidth conversion. This bridge is available as free IP is available in Lattice Diamond for allowing easy configuration and setup.