DisplayPort, Scaler & Local Dimming Demonstration

Upscaling a 720p Video with Full Array Local Dimming to a 2160p Video

The DisplayPort, Scaler & Local Dimming Demonstration showcases the capabilities of the newly introduced Lattice Drive Solution Stack IPs in a single, but real-life design example. The design has been created with our design partner Parretto and our display partner Lincoln Technologies Solutions.

In this design demonstration, we are using as a video source a Raspberry Pi Zero streaming, a 720p with 50 frames per second (FPS) video using GPIOs to the CertusPro-NX on the CertusPro-NX Evaluation Board. The Video Scaler IP takes the 720p with 50 FPS video and upscales it using a polyphase scaling algorithm up to 2160p with 50 Hz.

The Local Dimming IP dynamically controls the full LED array backlight of the Panel depending on the content of the video stream. Finally, the DisplayPort TX IP takes the 2160p with 50 FPS video and streams it with DisplayPort HBR2 data rates with four lanes to the Panel. The 4K Panel displays the 2160p with 50 Hz video while the full LED array backlight is dynamically adjusted.

The design files can be downloaded on Parretto's Github.


  • Local Dimming with 1 video frame latency
  • Video Scaler IP upscales the incoming video
  • DisplayPort connectivity to the Panel using 4 lanes with 5.4 Gbps
  • Support for 720p at 50Hz video input and 2160p at 50Hz video output format
  • Local Dimming IP controls a Full Array Local Dimming backlight using an LED array of 1296 zones


Embedded DisplayPort + Scaler + Local Dimming Demo​s for Lattice Drive
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Embedded DisplayPort + Scaler + Local Dimming Demo​s for Lattice Drive

Lattice and partner Parretto showcases embedded DisplayPort, scaler and local dimming demo​s for the Lattice Drive solution stack.

Block Diagram


Quick Reference
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DisplayPort, Scaler, and Local Dimming Demonstration - User Guide
FPGA-UG-02189 1.0 7/20/2023 PDF 2.1 MB
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DisplayPort, Scaler, and Local Dimming Demonstration - Bitstream
1.0 7/20/2023 BIT 2 MB

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