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[Blog] Product Longevity You Can Count On

[Blog] Product Longevity You Can Count On
Posted 06/20/2024 by Larry Landis, Lattice Semiconductor Product Marketing

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Electronics products can frequently run in excess of 20-year product lifecycles. This fact clearly makes product longevity an important device selection criterion for FPGAs. No company wants to face a rushed last time buy or an unexpected board redesign due to FPGA obsolescence. Finding a suitable supplier of an obsolete part can be a complex undertaking, especially if the original FPGA design team has long since departed from your organization.

Between 2020 and present, some FPGA suppliers have demonstrated their tendency to end of life their products at considerably greater frequency than Lattice. From 2020 through the time of writing, Lattice has discontinued only 2 FPGA products, whilst the competition has discontinued 3 to 8 times as many during the same period.

As a strong and vibrant 40+ year-old FPGA company, Lattice knows product obsolescence cycles can dramatically impact your business. Lattice works diligently with our supply chain to reliably meet your product delivery obligations. This commitment is demonstrated by the large number of devices we have supported in the market for over 20 years. This is fulfilled by multi-sourcing key elements of the silicon supply chain and adding redundancy to assembly and test across multiple reputable suppliers. We are pleased to share our product lifecycles plans for our current product families so that you can rest assured that Lattice is your trusted FPGA production partner far into the future of your volume shipments lifecycle.

Product Family
      Ordering Part Numbers       Earliest Anticipated
Lattice Avant LAV-AT-X 2045
Lattice Avant LAV-AT-G 2045
Lattice Avant LAV-AT-E 2045
Lattice Nexus LFMXO5 2045
Lattice Nexus LFCPNX 2045
Lattice Nexus LFD2NX 2045
Lattice Nexus LIFCL 2045
Lattice Nexus LFMNX 2045
Lattice MachXO3D LCMXO3D 2045
Lattice MachXO3L/LF LCMXO3L/LF 2045
Lattice MachXO2 LCMXO2 2045
Lattice ECP5 LFE5 2045
Lattice CrossLinkPlus LIF-MDF6000 2035
Lattice CrossLink LIF-MD6000 2035
Lattice iCE40 ICE40UP 2035
Lattice ECP3 LFE3 2035
Lattice ECP2/M LFE2 2035
Lattice XP2 LFXP2 2035
Lattice MachXO LCMXO 2035

Lattice Semiconductor’s ability to provide the products above may be affected by forces outside of Lattice’s reasonable control, including unexpected supply disruptions, foundry discontinuations, changes in regulations, or other unforeseen supply chain or operational changes.
