APB to AHB-Lite Bridge Reference Design

Interface between Low Power APB and High-speed AHB-Lite Compliance with AMBA 3 Protocol

The APB to AHB-Lite Bridge Reference Design provides an interface between the low power APB and the high-speed AHB-Lite. The design is implemented in Verilog HDL and comes in an IPK format that can be installed with Lattice Propel™ Builder Software as an IP. Implementation is done within Lattice Diamond® software.

This Reference Design is used for interfacing one APB Master and one AHB-Lite Slave. This bridge has two sections: the APB Slave section, and the AHB-Lite Master section. An FPGA fabric-based APB Master is required to use this bridge. When interfacing to multiple AHB-Lite Slaves, this IP should be used together with an AHB-Lite interconnect. The read and write transfers on the APB side are converted into equivalent transfers on the AHB-Lite side. For read and write access, the bridge may add wait states. This is due to the output register in both the AHB-Lite side and the APB side.

User-Configurable Attributes – The attribute values are specified using the IP core Configuration user interface in the Propel Builder software.


  • Compliance with AMBA 3 AHB-Lite Protocol v1.0 and AMBA 3 APB Protocol v1.0
  • Data Bus width of up to 32 bits [8, 16, 32]
  • Address width of up to 32 bits [11,12,...,32]
  • Registered output

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Block Diagram

Resource Utilization

Device Family Language LUTs Register fMAX (MHz)
MachXO2 Verilog 11 102 >100
MachXO3 Verilog 11 102 >100
MachXO3D Verilog 11 102 >100

1. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LCMXO2-7000HE-4TG144C with Lattice Diamond 3.12 design software with either LSE (Lattice Synthesis Engine) or Synplify Pro®.
2. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LCMXO3LF-6900C-5BG256C with Lattice Diamond 3.12 design software with either LSE (Lattice Synthesis Engine) or Synplify Pro.
3. Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LCMXO3D-9400HC-5BG256C with Lattice Diamond 3.12 design software with either LSE (Lattice Synthesis Engine) or Synplify Pro.


Technical Resources
Select All
APB to AHB-Lite Bridge Reference Design - Source Code
5/30/2023 ZIP 136.5 KB
APB to AHB-Lite Bridge Reference Design - User Guide
FPGA-RD-02264 1.0 5/30/2023 PDF 1.3 MB

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