2D Edge Detector

Video edge detection is the process of calculating gradients (rates of change) in pixel values in an incoming frame.

The 2D Edge Detector IP core detects edges in incoming video frames using the Sobel or Prewitt algorithms. Its flexible architecture supports a wide variety of video frame sizes on Lattice devices. A simple I/O handshake makes the core suitable for either streaming or bursty input video data. Coefficients may be set at compile time, or updated in-system via a simple memory interface. Dynamic zoom and pan functions are optionally provisioned at compile time.


  • Single color plane input
  • Configurable input data width
  • Dynamically variable input frame size
  • Dynamic active region selection
  • Dynamic selection between Sobel and Prewitt algorithms
  • Dynamic detection threshold modification

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Block Diagram

Performance and Size

Frame Size DWIDTH DSP Adders LUTs Slices Registers EBRs DSP Slices fMAX
320x240 8 No 540 368 397 1 0 226
640x480 8 Yes 399 295 203 1 60 168
720x480 8 No 528 351 403 1 0 204
1280x720 8 No 528 352 407 2 0 154

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting an LFE3-70EFPBGA672 device using Diamond 1.1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeECP3 family.
2. PAR settings: Placement Effort Level: 5, Routing Passes: 6, Placement Iterations: 3, Routing Delay Reduction Passes: 1, PLC Input Limit: Low

Frame Size DWIDTH DSP Adders LUTs Slices Registers EBRs DSP Slices fMAX
320x240 8 No 559 386 398 1 0 190
640x480 8 Yes 408 296 203 1 40 173
720x480 8 No 530 353 402 1 0 209
1280x720 8 No 553 368 410 2 0 191

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting an LFE2M35E-6F672C device using Diamond 1.1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeECP2M family.
2. PAR settings: defaults.

Frame Size DWIDTH DSP Adders LUTs Slices Registers EBRs DSP Slices fMAX
320x240 8 No 559 386 398 1 0 155
640x480 8 Yes 408 296 203 1 40 153
720x480 8 No 530 353 402 1 0 161
1280x720 8 No 553 368 410 2 0 170

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting an LFXP2-40E-6F672Cdevice using Diamond 1.1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeXP2 family.
2. PAR settings: defaults.

Ordering Information

  Part Number
Device Family Multi-site Perpetual Single Seat Annual
LatticeECP2 EDGE-DET-P2-UT1 -
LatticeXP EDGE-DET-X2-UT1 -

IP Version: 1.0

Evaluate: To download a full evaluation version of this IP, go to the IPexpress tool and click the IP Server button in the toolbar. All LatticeCORE IP cores and modules available for download will be visible. For more information on viewing/downloading IP please read the IP Express Quick Start Guide.

Purchase: To find out how to purchase the IP Core, please contact your local Lattice Sales Office.


Quick Reference
Information Resources
Select All
2D Edge Detector IP Core User's Guide
IPUG86 1.0 2/9/2011 PDF 559.4 KB
Select All
IPexpress Quick Start Guide
8/5/2010 PDF 304.8 KB

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