Lattice Mach-NX and MachXO5-55TD devices are low-density FPGAs with enhanced security features with on-chip dual boot flash. The enhanced bitstream security and user-mode security functions enable the Mach-NX and MachXO5-55TD devices to be used as a Root-of-Trust hardware solution.
The Lattice Mach-NX and MachXO5-55TD FPGAs function as RoT devices. The design of the Mach-NX device consists of the SoC Function Block (SFB) module, which integrates a RISC-V processor connected to a set of peripherals through the AMBA bus. Meanwhile, the Lattice MachXO5-55TD device contains the Embedded Security Function Block (ESFB) module, which provides the Security CPU, Crypto services, and Secure Flash Controller. The RoT functionality includes the User RISC-V processor, UART, and SMBus Mailbox. The Sentry PFR will incorporate the necessary system-level interfaces and control functionality. Available PFR IP blocks encompass QSPI Streamer, QSPI Monitor, I3C interface, I2C filter, LTPI, SGPIO, and GPIO functions. The user RISC-V processor connects to a set of peripherals via the AMBA bus. Software running on the processor manages both the general and PFR solution peripherals and handles all events at runtime to execute system functionalities.