AES256-GCM, Balanced (XIP1113B)

XIP1113B – Advanced Encryption Standard (256-bit key), Galois Counter Mode IP Core

The balanced AES256-GCM from Xiphera implements the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in Galois Counter Mode (GCM). AES-GCM is a widely used cryptographic algorithm for Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) purposes, as it provides both data confidentiality and authenticity.

Performance: Despite its compact size, the balanced AES-GCM IP core achieves a high throughput, for example 1.34+ Gbps in Lattice CertusPro-NX.

Standard Compliance: The IP core is fully compliant with both the Advanced Encryption Algorithm (AES) standard and the Galois Counter Mode (GCM) standard.

Compact Resource Requirements: The entire IP core requires 4467 4-input Lookup Tables (4LUTs) (Lattice CrossLink-NX), and does not require any multipliers, DSPBlocks or internal memory in a typical Lattice FPGA implementation.

Flexible Interfaces ease the integration of the balanced AES-GCM IP core with other Lattice® FPGA logic and/or control software.

Block Diagram

Ordering Information

Please contact for pricing and your preferred delivery method. The IP core can be shipped in a number of formats, including netlist, source code, or encrypted source code. Additionally, a comprehensive VHDL testbench and a detailed datasheet are included.

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