Distributed Arithmetic FIR Filter Generator

IP ExpressThe Lattice Distributed Arithmetic Finite Impulse Response (DA-FIR) Filter Generator IP implements a highly configurable, multi-channel DA-FIR filter, using distributed arithmetic algorithms implemented in FPGA Look Up Table (LUT) or Embedded Block Memory (EBR) to efficiently support the sum-of-product calculations required to perform the filter function. These techniques generate very area-efficient utilization of the FPGA LUTs while enabling savings of multiply-accumulate blocks (sysDSP) for other design logic. As a result, the DA-FIR Filter Generator IP core is extremely useful for implementing custom DSP blocks in Lattice FPGAs. Please refer to the user's guide to determine which cores are available for each device family.


  • Variable number of taps up to 1024
  • Multi-channel support (up to 32 channels)
  • Polyphase interpolation/decimation filters
  • Halfband filters
  • Interpolation and Decimation ratios from 2 to 32
  • Input data widths from 4 to 32 bits
  • Coefficient widths from 4 to 32 bits
  • Signed or unsigned data and coefficients
  • Selectable rounding: truncation, rounding away from zero, convergent rounding
  • Optional saturation logic for overflow handling
  • Full precision arithmetic
  • Specification of fractional inputs and outputs
  • Support for both serial and parallel filters, with user specified degree of parallelism.
  • Configurable pipelining to increase performance
  • Optimizations based on filter characteristics (symmetry and halfband).
  • Handshake signals to facilitate smooth interfacing

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Block Diagram


Performance and Size

Channels Taps Interpolation DWidth Round SLICEs LUTs EBRs Registers Fmax
1 16 Disable 16 TRUN 290 348 - 476 318
1 9 Disable 8 TRUN 512 611 - 877 279
1 36 Enable 12 TRUN 600 709 - 883 308

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting a LFE3-70E-7FN484CES device using Lattice Diamond 1.0 and Synplify Pro D-2009.12L-1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeECP3 family.

Channels Taps Interpolation DWidth Round SLICEs LUTs EBRs Registers Fmax
1 16 Disable 16 TRUN 317 378 - 481 343
1 9 Disable 8 TRUN 550 655 - 887 310
1 36 Enable 12 TRUN 625 743 - 899 291

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting a LFE2M20E-6F256C device using Lattice Diamond 1.0 and Synplify Pro D-2009.12L-1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeECP2M family.

Channels Taps Interpolation DWidth Round SLICEs LUTs EBRs Registers Fmax
1 16 Disable 16 TRUN 317 378 - 481 341
1 9 Disable 8 TRUN 550 655 - 887 321
1 36 Enable 12 TRUN 625 743 - 899 320

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting a LFE2-20E-6F256C device using Lattice Diamond 1.0 and Synplify Pro D-2009.12L-1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeECP2 family.

Channels Taps Interpolation DWidth Round SLICEs LUTs EBRs Registers Fmax
1 16 Disable 16 TRUN 296 340 - 481 192
1 9 Disable 8 TRUN 521 594 - 887 180
1 36 Enable 12 TRUN 590 689 - 899 174

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting a LFECP15E-4F256C device using Lattice Diamond 1.0 and Synplify Pro D-2009.12L-1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeECP family.

Channels Taps Interpolation DWidth Round SLICEs LUTs EBRs Registers Fmax
1 16 Disable 16 TRUN 278 343 - 481 372
1 9 Disable 8 TRUN 564 759 - 895 338
1 36 Enable 12 TRUN 568 668 - 934 390

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting a LFSC3GA15E-6F256C device using Lattice Diamond 1.0 and Synplify Pro D-2009.12L-1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeSC/M family.

Channels Taps Interpolation DWidth Round SLICEs LUTs EBRs Registers Fmax
1 16 Disable 16 TRUN 317 378 - 481 274
1 9 Disable 8 TRUN 550 655 - 887 251
1 36 Enable 12 TRUN 625 743 - 899 270

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting a LFXP2-17E-6QN208C device using Lattice Diamond 1.0 and Synplify Pro D-2009.12L-1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeXP2 family.

Channels Taps Interpolation DWidth Round SLICEs LUTs EBRs Registers Fmax
1 16 Disable 16 TRUN 296 340 - 481 186
1 9 Disable 8 TRUN 521 594 - 887 178
1 36 Enable 12 TRUN 590 689 - 899 168

1. Performance and utilization data are generated targeting a LFXP10E-4F256C device using Lattice Diamond 1.0 and Synplify Pro D-2009.12L-1 software. Performance may vary when using a different software version or targeting a different device density or speed grade within the LatticeXP family.

Ordering Information

Family Part Number
LatticeXP2 DAFIR-GEN-X2-U2

IP Version: 2.2.

Evaluate: To download a full evaluation version of this IP, go to the IPexpress tool and click the IP Server button in the toolbar. All LatticeCORE IP cores and modules available for download will be visible. For more information on viewing/downloading IP please read the IP Express Quick Start Guide.

Purchase: To find out how to purchase the IP Core, please contact your local Lattice Sales Office.


Quick Reference
Information Resources
Select All
DA-FIR Filter IP Core User's Guide
IPUG58 1.6 8/13/2010 PDF 1.1 MB
Select All
IPexpress Quick Start Guide
8/5/2010 PDF 304.8 KB

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