Driver Monitoring System (DMS) Demonstration

The Open DMS Platform Solution with Very Low Compute Footprint

The Driver Monitoring System (DMS) Solution Demonstration highlights the capabilities of the newly introduced features of the Lattice Drive Solution Stack. The DMS solution has been designed to run on commercially easily purchasable hardware.

In this solution demonstration, we are using as a video source a CAMERA with 720p with 30 frames per second (FPS) video connected over USB with the compute platform. In this case, this is a Raspberry Pi 5 running Ubuntu executing our SensAI Edge Vision Engine with the relevant algorithms for Driver Monitoring Systems. The resulting analytics are displayed over HDMI to a monitor of choice. Additionally, the solution demonstration allows to overlay the computational usage while it has been executed.

The solution can run on various compute architectures from CPUs, NPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. The algorithms are optimized for the lowest possible compute footprint. Lattice offers Partnership with well established, financially stable organization with significant AI SW and HW investments in R&D removing any long-term partner risks. Outside of DMS we are working on other groundbreaking, lowest power and compute resource required solutions for Edge AI in the Automotive segment.


  • Sensor & Hardware-agnostic
  • Flexible and open software platform architecture leveraging Lattice sensAI Edge Vision Engine
  • Tools to support development to customize and differentiate their solution (SW only or SW+FPGA)
  • Optimized for high accuracy & lowest computational footprint
  • Secure: edge – no cloud computing

Block Diagram

Driver Monitoring System (DMS) Demonstration Block Diagram


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