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ID: 2674
Case Type: faq
Category: Customer Board Design
Related To: Schematic Review
Family: Power Manager II

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PAC Designer: In Trim Configuration Options, what does "Open External Resistors(s) Threshold" imply?

PAC designer software Trim Configuration utility calculates values of resistors connected between Power Manager and DC-DC converter for trimming the DC-DC conveter output.

In Trim Configuration options the "open external resistor threshold" parameter, which is set by the user, determines the maximum value of resistor to be connected in the network. Beyond this value the Trim Calculator would consider the resistor to be open.

For eg: Setting values as 10,000 ohm, results in replacing calculated resistor values above 10,000 ohm with an open circuit. This parameter should be used to synthesize fewer resistors to be connected between the trim pin of the Power Manager and the DC-DC Converter.

Please refer to application note AN6074 for more details on interfacing the Trim Output of Power Manager Devices to DC-DC Converters.