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ID: 2040
Case Type: faq
Category: Architecture
Related To: IO
Family: Power Manager II

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Power Manger II: Can the POWR1220AT8 be used to monitor negative voltages?


Yes, the POWR1220AT8 device can be used to monitor negative voltage with the addition of some simple external circuitry.

The inputs of the POWR1220AT8 device may accept signals from 0 to 6 V without the addition of external circuitry.

For monitoring negative voltages I recommend that you review AN6051 which describes several techniques to interface a negative voltage to the VMON inputs using external components. AN6051, Monitoring and Controlling Negative Power Supplies with Power Manager Devices is available from the Lattice website at the following link:

AN6051, Monitoring and Controlling Negative Power Supplies with Power Manager Devices