Memory Stick PRO Host Interface

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Memory Stick PRO was introduced in 2003 as a joint effort between Sony and SanDisk. Memory Stick is a removable Flash memory card which is used as storage media for portable devices such as digital cameras, digital music players, PDAs, cellular phones, etc. Memory Stick PRO has a maximum data transfer of 19.7 Mbytes/s and a theoretical maximum capacity of up to 32 GB.

The WISHBONE Bus interface is a free, open-source standard that is gaining popularity in digital systems that require the use of IP cores. This bus interface encourages IP reuse by defining a common interface among IP cores. This, in turn, provides portability for the system, speeds up time to market, and reduces the cost of the end product.

This design is targeted to provide an interface between Memory Stick PRO and its Host Controller. This design can be used in applications where a WISHBONE-compliant Host Controller has the necessary drivers needs to communicate with the Memory Stick PRO. The Host Interface acts as a bridge and takes care of the various bus state transitions.

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Performance and Size

Tested Devices* Language Performance I/O Pins Design Size Revision
MachXO21 Verilog >50MHz 38 458 LUTs 1.0

1 Performance and utilization characteristics are generated using LCMXO2-640HC-6MG132C with Lattice Diamond™ 1.2 design software.


Technical Resources
Information Resources
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Memory Stick PRO Host Interface - Source Code
RD1109 1.0 4/26/2011 ZIP 160.9 KB
Memory Stick PRO Host Interface
FPGA-RD-02094 1.1 1/22/2021 PDF 1.2 MB
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ispLeverCORE Evaluation Tutorial
Please read the installation instructions that appear in the applicable IP Core's ReadMe file, or on the Lattice IP website.
8/1/2004 ZIP 444.8 KB
IP Module Evaluation Tutorial
8/1/2004 PDF 216.1 KB

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