Crypto Module (XIP7500)

XIP7500 – Multipurpose Cryptographic Suite

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Xiphera’s Crypto Module IP core offers an integrated security platform enabling customer-tailored set of highly-optimized cryptographic services for microcontrollers or SoC implementations. Customers can select their desired solution from a wide range of cryptographic functionalities which can be used to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity in the customer solution.

Standard Compliance: Fully compatible with applicable NIST, IETF, and IEEE standards, RFCs, and test vectors for compliance and certification programs.

Fully Hardware-Based Implementation: The Crypto Module comes without hidden software components for performance and ease of validation.

Highly Optimised Implementation: Options for both resource conservation and footprint optimisation, or high performance and throughput.

Versatile Configurations: The IP core enables composing the most optimal set of features to fit customer functionality, performance, and resource requirements.


  • Secure Architecture: The Crypto Module protects against timing-based attacks with constant latency independent of input values.
  • Easy Integration: The AXI-4 and APB interfaces of the IP core support easy integration to various systems.

Block Diagram

Ordering Information

Please contact for pricing and your preferred delivery method. The IP core can be shipped in a number of formats, including netlist, source code, or encrypted source code. Additionally, a comprehensive VHDL testbench and a detailed datasheet are included.

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