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  • ispMACH 4032ZE CSBGA 64


    ispMACH 4032ZE CSBGA 64

    BSDL Model BSDL 1.01 BSM 13.2KB
  • MachXO: Where to find the automotive BSDL files?


    MachXO: Where to find the automotive BSDL files?

    The automotive BSDL files for MachXO should be the same functionality as the standard device files on the website.
  • Which Lattice devices have BSDL files available?


    Which Lattice devices have BSDL files available?

    A BSDL (Boundary Scan Description Language) file is available for every Lattice device with a JTAG port.This file, standardized by the IEEE1149.1 specification, describes all information necessary to perform boundary scan testing. Included are register lengths, instruction mappings, the…
  • LatticeECP2/M\u200B: How can customers generate a BSDL model for their JEDEC file?


    LatticeECP2/M\u200B: How can customers generate a BSDL model for their JEDEC file?

    BSDL files can be generated using the Diamond Deployment tool:Step 1: Open Deployment Tool Step 2: Select "Create New Deployment" > Select "File Conversion" > =Select "Application Specific BSDL File" Step 3: Upload JEDEC file and Select Desired Device. for more information please go…
  • Can you generate an application specific BSDL file for a Lattice devices?


    Can you generate an application specific BSDL file for a Lattice devices?

    The Deployment tool can only generate the Application Specific BSDL file which support the FLASH block thus requiring the JEDEC file.Lattice devices that didn't have the Flash has no Application Specific BSDL supported for the Deployment tool.The Deployment tool cannot generate Generic…
  • Radiant 2023.2 and below: How to create a design-specific BSDL for Nexus devices?


    Radiant 2023.2 and below: How to create a design-specific BSDL for Nexus devices?

    You can create an application-specific BSDL file using Radiant Deployment Tool. However, the tool only supports specific BSDL files that target non-volatile memory (using *.jed file), which is inapplicable for Nexus devices that target SRAM (*.bit).
  • Do you still have BSDL data for SiI3132 or any other storage products?


    Do you still have BSDL data for SiI3132 or any other storage products?

    There's no BSDL data available. SiI3132 and other storage products are no longer in support and we are unable to provide further assistance.  All storage device resources are available at Lattice web site
  • ispVM System: How can I generate application (design) specific BSDL file with ispVM?


    ispVM System: How can I generate application (design) specific BSDL file with ispVM?

    Go to ispVM --> ispTools --> Application Specific BSDL File Generator, specify the JED and BSDL files, and push Generate button.
  • LatticeECP3: Can the default BSDL file provided on the Lattice website be used to test a programmed LatticeECP3 device after reinitialization?


    LatticeECP3: Can the default BSDL file provided on the Lattice website be used to test a programmed LatticeECP3 device after reinitialization?

    Description:For LatticeECP3, the IO personality latches which is the I/O electrical properties such as Drive strength, buffer enable paths, open-drain, pullup/down/keeper is preserved after initial programming. These SRAM cells are not cleared by any other means but a power-on resetting clear or…
  • ispMach400: In BSDL file, if any IOs are configured as "Input Only"; Does the device needs to be erased and re-programmed to bi-directional pin the same as the output?


  • Will the "PRIVATE" instructions in BSDL file have any impact on my BSCAN test? Do I need them to perform a BSCAN test?


    Will the "PRIVATE" instructions in BSDL file have any impact on my BSCAN test? Do I need them to perform a BSCAN test?

    The "PRIVATE" instruction will not prevent one from doing BSCAN test.  The public instructions provided by Lattice have perfectly met IEEE standard for BSCAN . These "PRIVATE" instructions are for our company internal use. There will not be any problem commenting out the "PRIVATE" instruction.
  • Certus-N2 CT20 BSDL Model file


    Certus-N2 CT20 BSDL Model file

    BSDL Model FPGA-MD-02084 0.8 ZIP 19.1KB
  • Platform Manager 208 ftBGA BSDL Files


    Platform Manager 208 ftBGA BSDL Files

    BSDL Model 1.1 ZIP 10.0KB
  • Platform Manager 128 TQFP BSDL Files


    Platform Manager 128 TQFP BSDL Files

    BSDL Model 1.1 ZIP 8.4KB
  • Lattice Deployment Tool: When we generate a BSDL file using Deployment Tool or ispVM, why are some pins changed from inputs and outputs to bi-directional signals ?


    Lattice Deployment Tool: When we generate a BSDL file using Deployment Tool or ispVM, why are some pins changed from inputs and outputs to bi-directional signals ?

    In the dialog box of Deployment Tool, please check Convert Bi-directional I/O's to Input and Output, or in the dialog box of BSDL Generator in ispVM, please check Convert Bidirectional Signals to Input and Outptus and click on Generate, then the issue could be resolved.
  • ORT8850 FPSC Evaluation Board


    ORT8850 FPSC Evaluation Board

    No longer available - for reference only. A complete hardware kit that allows the user to evaluate, test, and debug a design for the ORT8850 FPSC + Power.
  • ORCA Series 2 FPGA


    ORCA Series 2 FPGA

    This is a mature and discontinued device. View documentation and downloads available for this product.
  • ispLSI 1000EA


    ispLSI 1000EA

    This is a mature and discontinued device. View documentation and downloads available for this product.
  • ORCA Series 3 FPGA


    ORCA Series 3 FPGA

    This is a mature and discontinued device. View documentation and downloads available for this product.
  • MACH 1/2


    MACH 1/2

    This is a mature and discontinued device. View documentation and downloads available for this product.
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